Jeune fille de 8 ans attaquée par la fille de GNTMTessa La victime implore le pardon

Ex-GNTM-Model and ex-Dschungelcamp contestant Tessa Bergmeier (34) is a devoted single mother looking after her daughters, aged 4 and 8. Unfortunately, her older daughter Lucy experienced an act of violence at her Hamburg primary school. She was attacked and the police were involved, as BILD has the file number. « Lucy was grabbed, attacked, punched in the face, kicked, and thrown to the ground by a fellow student. The perpetrator then proceeded to repeatedly bang Lucy’s head against a metal railing, as witnesses have stated it lasted for five minutes, » Tessa told BILD.

The attacker, also a child, will not face legal consequences due to her age. However, the school has taken steps by excluding her from the after-school care program and filing a report with the police, which seem to have had an impact. In an attempt to make amends, the girl handed over a self-painted picture to Lucy through a teacher with an apology, saying, « I’m sorry for hitting and kicking you, » accompanied by a large painted heart.

« My daughter said, ‘People are not always bad.’ It was a very traumatic moment for her, and she was significantly injured. However, this has brought closure for her. As a mother, this gives me some comfort. She has forgiven the perpetrator. Children are simply remarkable, if only all adults were the same. Then we would have a better coexistence, » shared Tessa with BILD.

Tessa also encourages her daughter, saying, « Injuries heal, the soul not always, but we are working through this incident together with the school. Children handle things like this much easier; they live in the present. »

Last year, Tessa Bergmeier finished in 10th place in the Dschungelcamp. She became known in 2009 on « Germany’s Next Topmodel » when she showed the middle finger to Heidi Klum (50).

Laurent Dubois

Fort d'une carrière de 18 ans dans le journalisme, Laurent Dubois s'est spécialisé dans la couverture approfondie des événements culturels, artistiques et historiques. Ayant travaillé avec des magazines de premier plan, il met désormais à contribution son savoir-faire pour, partageant des perspectives uniques sur le patrimoine culturel et l'art contemporain.

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